Thursday, October 24, 2013

Are You Afraid You'll Miss It?

Every novel in The Martin Culver Series has been offered for free or at a 
The Martin Culver Series
International Thrillers

huge discount in the last three months.

These novels include:

"Holiday in Havana: The Adventures Begin"   $2.99 on Kindle

"The Lost Ark of the Incas"  $2.99 on Kindle

"The Lost Calendar of the Maya: The Return of Kukulkan"  $2.99 on Kindle

You never know when one of these novels may be offered for free or a discount again.

In addition, the fourth novel in The Martin Culver Series, "The Golden Treasure of Panama"  is due to be published in January 2014. Between now and then there will be free sneakpeeks at the cover, characters new and old, as well as free chapters.

Afraid you will miss news and updates on The Martin Culver Series? Here is how to keep up"

1. Bookmark this blog for frequent updates.
2. Follow the author on Twitter at @malcommassey1    #themartinculverseries

If you do this you need not be afraid, you will never miss a single great offer or update!